Sunday, October 3, 2010

Donations pour in...

After the bins were packed we found, that between the two of us, we were only going to be responsible for 3 bins instead of 4. This meant that we could bring one checked piece of luggage! At first we started re-planning what we were going to bring (adding extra shoes, electronics etc.), then we realised that this was a great opportunity to bring some donated items for the orphan program that is run out of Kilema Hospital.

We sent the word out and donations started rolling in. Friends, family and co-workers started sending in all kinds of goodies. Everyone kept asking for ideas on what to donate. One thing that stuck in my mind was a random comment from our mission lead. She said that it's not uncommon to see the boys playing soccer with a ball made up of bound-up garbage bags. When you hear something like that, you realise that any items that you bring will be much appreciated.

One site that is great for ideas on what to bring is Stuff Your Rucksack. Although the Kilema orphan program is not listed, there a couple of Tanzanian children's programs that give a bit of insight as to what is needed.
Items that were donated:

  • pens and pencils
  • coloured pencils
  • erasers
  • glue sticks
  • pencil sharpeners
  • markers and crayons
  • notepads
  • combs and hair barrettes
  • bandaids
  • bar soaps
  • toothbrushes and toothpaste
  • children's cutlery sets
  • skipping rope and balls
  • sewing kit and notions
  • books and puzzles
In addition to all the school and hygiene supplies, we still had some knitted/crocheted duduzo dolls that had been made by ladies at both our work places. These were packed up into the bins as well.

Two things that we were warned about after discussing our plans with our mission lead...
  1. Once you start distributing something during a mission, the locals will come to expect the same again...meaning, I guess , that if we give out items to the kids, then it becomes the expected norm??
  2. If we pack our checked luggage with too many items for donations, we may be nailed by Tanzanian customs to pay duty on all the items. Customs may believe that we are trying to make money by selling the stuff in Tanzania.
With these two things in mind, we made a couple of trips to pack the donated items into any of the bins that were still under the weight limit. We also distributed some of them between our two carry on back packs and our checked luggage.
Once we get to Kilema we will determine how, when and where to give out the items. The fallback plan is too leave it all with Sister Clarissa (head of Kilema hospital) to distribute through the orphan program.

UPDATE: Yet more donations

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